Quick opinion survey: if Kamala #Harris experiences the same thing that happened to Al #Gore and Hillary #Clinton, i e she wins the popular vote but loses the #presidency, are the #USA still a #democracy? Can it be democratic if the popular vote can be regularly overridden?
Thx for the shares, but I'm really interested in your answers too! I'd be comforted if you have good points on why the electoral college is a good thing.
Democracies don't need to be perfect to be democracies.
But for sure, the US electoral system needs an overhaul.
Unfortunately the hurdles seem too high to fix the issue.
Look at the top map, being a democracy or not is not a binary decision:
@stekopf I agree that in reality "democraticness" is more of a continuum or sth even more complex. But in everyday conversations we still often split countries up into "democratic or not", and isn't that also useful? Gradual changes along a continuum can be hard to notice, but a category switch would be noticed I hope...