A lot of people don't want kids because they know how horrible it feels to be abused or neglected, and/or watch their parents abuse and neglect each other. They are aware that such wounds are generational and manifest in a committed relationship, and revere the sacredness of life enough not to subject their own children to that.
Instagram psychologists get their money making you believe that securely-attached people are the norm. No they are not. Any psychologist worth their salt will honestly tell you that some level of dysfunction is now normal, it's just that everyone's under pressure to display an image of perfection.
Those who want to take a gamble and bring new life into a dysfunctional environment are more than welcome to. And those who don't should be respected for their choice to refrain. Their choice comes from a place of deep compassion, often accompanied by a hell of a lot of pain.
It's nobody's business what you do with your body.
Let's normalize respecting people's privacy, again.