@jblue @pvonhellermannn @DarkOptimism
An issue that would affect me is that I doubt it would be possible to send any plant materials between the EU and USA without extensive bureaucracy, mainly due to the EUs phytosanitary regulations. Packets WILL be opened, and plant materials disposed of. If you're a big commercial org, of course this could be taken care of but I dont know for this scale of idea.
Recommendations for stuff to source within the EU, are of course a different matter,and I'm looking out for them.
An unrelated issue: I've been on the look out for those with experience and interest in /experimental/ food growing since I've been on Masto, searching hastags etc., and there doesn't seem to be a great number of us. Plenty of photographers of plants but not so many growers, and those spread around the continents and climates, and tending towards urban and balcony.
I'll make a post or do another article about what I'm up to on the land when I feel I've got something more to show. I've only been at the site I'm on now since spring 2023, when it was a tangle of 6 metre high bramble, gorse, broom and burned and fallen tree-trunks from the mega wild-fires of 2017.