Having issues with #accessibility on #HamRadioPrep for #ios and the developers don't care. I'm using the #VoiceOver #ScreenReader and the app reads two choices for each answer as if they are shuffling the choices to prevent memorization of the letters. Example: A D all of these choices are correct. Also it doesn't tell me if the answer is correct when I tap on it. I work around this by utilizing the retake missed questions feature
@geerlingguy I understand if you don't want to, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would show your support in this matter. I get that they are a private company and are free to do what they want, but I feel their attitude is very dismissive of accessibility.
@CamdenBopp The tough thing is, I think *app* devs are even more difficult to convince to do accessibility testing than *web* devs, by and large.
Also some of the cross-platform dev tools make it harder or less integrated than like Apple's own tooling and libraries :(
Haven't done much app dev work for a few years though.
@geerlingguy makes sense. The ecosystem is so fragmented. Someone else said it's a pity the app isn't open source so we can just fork it. I'm thinking I might go with hamstudy.org. I want to get my extra before Hamvention.