@DavidM_yeg It appears that about 62-63% of the eligible voters voted, thus making his percentage about 31% of voters.
Shame on the 1/3+ who did not vote. @benroyce @RoguePlayer
@DavidM_yeg It appears that about 62-63% of the eligible voters voted, thus making his percentage about 31% of voters.
Shame on the 1/3+ who did not vote. @benroyce @RoguePlayer
@RegGuy @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
As far I am concerned, anyone who did not #vote loses all right to complain about anything in #American #Politics
If I get in an argument and I sense some "both sides the same" or "I send a message by not participating" lying bullshit: block and ignore. Utterly irredeemable. Some people are just completely useless whiny self-destructive morons. They helped give us our coming hell
@benroyce @RegGuy @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
To me, the ones who stayed home are worse than the ones that voted for Trump. The cultists were always gonna cultist. The ones that stayed home, though? Thanks for not caring enough about the rest of the country to try to help save it from the cultists and the rapacious-billionaires.
@ferricoxide The ones who stayed home:
* Not pragmatic
* Chose to be spiritual martyrs with Palestinians by choosing a suicide candidate.
* So angry, lost ability to respond logically, screaming Fuck Us! 🤔
@ferricoxide @benroyce @RegGuy @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
I can understand this attitude, but I think you have to take the Electoral College into account. In Massachusetts or California, what’s the point of either a Republican or Democrat going out to vote, unless there might be a lower office contest that was in doubt (I don’t remember if my Congress member nor members of the legislature had opponents, come to think of it)?
I think, in fact, you saw this in California: fewer voters turned out where the House Congressional seat was pretty assured, more voters turned out in Congressional districts where one’s vote mattered.
I guess both California and Massachusetts had referenda to vote on….
@ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer @benroyce @RegGuy Agree, 100%. Trump got the same number of votes he did in 2020. 7 million Biden voters stayed home.
@ferricoxide @benroyce @RegGuy @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer The ones who stayed home, to a great extent, just couldn’t stomach voting for a black woman, oh the horror! And some probably believed Tim #Walz was not manly man enough. It was the best overall #Democratic ticket in probably my lifetime and it wasn’t enough for some and, shamefully, too much for others. It makes me want to hurl.
@Thumper1964 I voted for them. But I have to say Walz was the worst pick for VP since, well, I don't know when. He was horrible in his debate, unable to speak clearly and forcefully at all. Any time I heard him speak he uttered muddled statement and confusing ideas. Just a terrible choice. @ferricoxide @benroyce @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
@lain_7 @ferricoxide @RegGuy @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
why are you abrogating your social responsibility?
through your thinking blue states become purple states, purple states become red states, red states become blood
there's no excuses
you #vote
through that you *change* the electoral college. but we'll never change that if people don't fucking show up in force
exercises in excuse making is nothing but you rationalizing your own impotency
i do not share your impotency
@benroyce I agree 100%. I have voted in every election, even for "dog catcher" since I could vote. 1976 was my first presidential election and I voted for President Carter. I was so upset when Reagan won in 1980. I told my boss, that this was the end of small businesses. She argued I was wrong, hers went out of business a little more than a year later after 35 years. It's been downhill ever since. @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
@RegGuy @benroyce @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer That’s the same election when I first voted. I was equally disappointed when Reagan won in 1980, and I likewise blame him for the long decline of American civilization—he taught voters that it is okay to be selfish.
@JosephMeyer The irony of my voting in 1976 is that it was a Republican man who went through the trouble to get me registered. I had moved and had not changed my registration. He said he'd help, and did. Things were so different in 1976.@benroyce @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer