Hope everyone was able to enjoy Labor Day with your family and friends!
So, we’re 8 days out from the debate. I’m going to be donating to HarrisWalz every day from today to debate day. Momentum is with us and I can see a #BlueWave forming. But we can’t stop, that’s what went wrong in 2016.
Any amount helps, $1, $5, $10, $100. Join me by giving whatever you can afford. HarrisWalz, for the people! 💪
I donated to #MastodonForHarris. Join me: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mastodon-for-harris
cc: @KamalaHarrisWin
#HarrisWalz2024 #VoteBlue #MastodonForHarris #BlueTrifecta #WeAreNotGoingBack #BringingBackTheJoy #LetsDoThis #WhenWeFightWeWin #TeamNormal #WeirdDonOLD