among my batch of US Library of Congress #klezmer & #Romanian music scores I got last month, Max Leibowitz cribbing a bit from the old country yet again*😆I had already come across this Nunta ţărănească medley on the Romanian National Library digital collection while investigating Joseph Moskowitz's repertoire last year, because he recorded it on cimbalom too. At least Max didn't say "Composed by..." in this case...
#FolkMusic #Copyright #MusicHistory #RomanianMusic #JewishMusic
*I say again because he was in a high profile lawsuit where he sued fellow musicians over ripping off "his" melody, Terkisher-Bolgar, and in discovery it was alleged it was a well known tune all over Southeastern Europe and that he hadn't composed it at all.
for the purposes of comparison of this Nunta ţărănească ...
1910 score by Louis Wiest
1920 score by Max Leibowitz
1916 recording by Joseph Moskowitz
located another Leibowitz copyrighting of an existing #Romanian piece, this time Singurătatea (loneliness), published in #Bucharest in the early 20th century by M. Moscowicz (!), copyrighted by Leibowitz in New York in 1919. Couldn't find a clear scan of the older Romanian score but the thumbnail on one auction site shows it's the same melody minus words:
Leibowitz version:
#klezmer #MusicHistory #Romania #MusicCopyright