I called EMS once and police showed up before paramedics (paramedics were busy).
The first thing they said? “You don’t look sick.”
They waited for paramedics who took me to hospital - but that initial response stuck with me.
It’s why mask bans are dangerous. Police aren’t trained to make medical decisions. They shouldn’t be the ones deciding who can and can’t legally wear a mask.
Many illnesses are invisible - you wouldn’t KNOW we’re disabled to look at us.
Most of us have experienced gaslighting from friends, family and even doctors - people are quick to judge and decide you’re “not that sick.”
So are we really expected to risk criminal charges by wearing a respirator & just HOPE police will believe we truly “need it”?
Not to mention that medical exemptions leave behind anyone who wants to mask to protect and preserve their health - as well as caregivers and family of disabled people.
We rely on them to keep us safe - we NEED them masking in public.
I sincerely hope more people join the fight against mask bans soon - because if we don’t fight against them - more cities and states will pass them and more people will suffer.
A good respirator is excellent protection against covid & other illnesses.
We shouldn’t be further excluding disabled and high risk people from public - but that’s exactly what these ugly laws do.
Call your elected officials - tell them medical masks can not and should not be banned.
Don’t embrace escalating fascism and eugenics just because you don’t think it will impact you.
Don’t celebrate it because you hold a grudge about mask mandates.
It won’t stop with disabled people. Help us now & your future self will thank you.
My full article on mask bans, medical exemptions and how we’re witnessing (and even welcoming) escalating eugenics and fascism: https://www.disabledginger.com/p/we-are-witnessing-real-time-eugenics
#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans #NoMaskBans #bullying #CleanAirClassrooms #UglyLaws