What's most fascinating to me about the discourse around the #NABJ Trump interview is how many people think Scott's opening question was "hostile". It really reflects the reality of so many #BIPOC folks-- where literally just saying that someone has done something racist (especially in the workplace), even just repeating back their own racist words/ actions, (no matter *what* tone you use) gets you labeled "hostile" or "aggressive" or "angry". Saying the question was "hostile" speaks volumes.
@kimberlyadams The questions were great. Trump's insulting, cowardly, offensive, evasive reply is just what I expected from a wimpy loser. He can barely deal with softball questions from journalists who (gag) admire him. He and truth are oil and water. Not only did Scott start with an absolutely on-target legit. question, but she chose not to kiss his holy ring as a warmup. I'm surprised he didn't swell up and burst. The weird toddler didn't cope very well.