I want to rip all my hair out trying to configure a reverse proxy for my #homelab #selfhosted server shit. igfjdhshjgfsogk jneskxdƒx gnkxlsze mfjngbdklxß∆˜fgkds
I've tried #Nginx Reverse Proxy Manager
I've tried #Traefik
I've tried #Caddy
Fucking none of them are working to direct my shit (in the form of #Tailscale IP addresses because fuck opening up ports to the web) to my domain with a Let's Encrypt certificate. Including all that #Cloudflare DNS challenge bullshit.
The fuck.
This all worked a while ago on a different server.
Now I can't seem to get any https shit to work.
I've tried so many different methods I'm burnt the fufsdjgkes out.