So, to stem the spread of illness in outlets class and to try to teach a month's worth of effective lectures, I decided to toe the line and send an email out asking the students to consider masking in class. Now, this was a risk. It was against state law and university guidelines to mandate masking. But I thought, "These are students training to be scientists. I can witte an appeal that is apolitical and relies on the information out there to allow them to make a better situation." My announcement to the class is in the highlighted section below, from a negative evaluation I received (the only one bringing up this communication). It is posted in the student's evaluation to attempt to add what they viewed as me breaking the law into a record of my teaching. And that's fine - I wrote this knowing that it could be half against me. (I have attached the same image three times below to accommodate the alt text in totality, because I don't think screen readers would be able to read the photographed text.)