Me looking at data on #covid19 cases in the U.S.: Is it possible...?! Maybe... Maybe...
Also me: Don't even think it! Don't even think it!
Me again: But look at the case numbers! We're nearly as high as we've been in July 2022 and January 2023. What if we end up with another Omicron-level spike in cases this winter? Surely, surely, that would make people finally pay attention to the on-going #pandemic !
Also me: Really? You think there's anything that will make people care about #Covid again?!
Me again: No, you're right. This is just false hope. We're on our own! Sigh...
For reference, if you're looking for covid data on the U.S., I recommend the Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative:
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #DarkHumor