@VoordeMus Sad to see, that the volantary-model of the Guardian does not seem to work out (I am already a paying supporter).
I have gone through the same fate two years ago when the big regional newspaper (200k subscriptions) I worked for 15 years cut 25% of its journalists - especially the experianced/expansive ones.
Two years later, everybody of the colleagues have good jobs or are successfull freelancers. We are all very happy to have left this very toxic work environment.
In my new job I got the chance to really dig into AI and I can tell you: All the companies, that thik the can swap people with AI will fail. AI is a tool that can help with certain tasks (transcripion, proof-reading, condensing research), but not more. Read now it even get´s worse in generating content, since it is fed more and more AI-content...
So, heads up! It may suck right now, but experianced communications-people will always be successfull.