@benroyce I agree 100%. I have voted in every election, even for "dog catcher" since I could vote. 1976 was my first presidential election and I voted for President Carter. I was so upset when Reagan won in 1980. I told my boss, that this was the end of small businesses. She argued I was wrong, hers went out of business a little more than a year later after 35 years. It's been downhill ever since. @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer
@RegGuy @benroyce @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer That’s the same election when I first voted. I was equally disappointed when Reagan won in 1980, and I likewise blame him for the long decline of American civilization—he taught voters that it is okay to be selfish.
@JosephMeyer The irony of my voting in 1976 is that it was a Republican man who went through the trouble to get me registered. I had moved and had not changed my registration. He said he'd help, and did. Things were so different in 1976.@benroyce @lain_7 @ferricoxide @DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer