@Rasta A beautiful sky 😎
@Rasta I love a road trip, Northumberland in June and hopefully sometime this year Liverpool to visit John and Paul’s childhood homes on a Beatles pilgrimage 🎶🎸
We have both those places near me 😆
We have our Northumberland Strait, & Liverpool down by the Mercy River #WAYCTV
I'd like to go somewhere, that I've been before, but my wife hasn't. Knowing what it once was, & what is has become, can be disturbing though. Childhood memories shattered. But I've done many tropical islands, my wife only Jamaica, WE did go to French Islands in the north, St Pierre et Miquelon .
We rob ourselves if we travel. We have that beautiful location now
@Rasta yes travels in your own country,really can connect you to a place and opens your eyes to the beauty around you , which we all should enjoy and protect 😎
A little story.. .long before my wife and I were dating, I had reoccurring memories of when I was 3. I'd talked about it, described it to her, and certain I could find it again. 1980, I got that chance. Knew where I lived back in the 50s, so I rented a car and we went there. Only one river, only one railway track, only one bridge.. was very familiar but much smaller. maybe it was spring and higher water level but the river was a disappointment. Not raging, more like a brook..
@Rasta It reminds me of a great peanuts strip where Woodstock goes back to the nest where he was born and he’s upset, Snoopy tells him that you can never go back. So poignant and full of pathos 🤔 have a good week.
So true. Many folks don't remember back as young as I do, so their memories may have faded. I often relive my youth in my head.. when I should be sleeping
@Rasta like a visit with cousins back in Ireland , where I was born, my wife was taking a photo of me outside my grandparents house where I entered this life 😊 the new owner invited us in after hearing my story, a wave of pure emotion washed over me and the house still had the same smell although it had changed over the decades.