transphobia 101: a quick lesson for everyone, abuse, violence, death (2)
I hope it goes without saying that people who condone these actions, especially in a continued, targeted way, are actively attempting to commit the sort of harm I described. As well-maintained as my little corner of fedi is due to the efforts of our mayor, I've been rather disappointed over the last few days to find boosts ending up in my feed where the original poster has or is condoning or even encouraging such behaviour (up to and including fantasizing about murdering trans women).
It is oh so easy to go along with a mob, to encourage harm to trans people, but I'd like to encourage anyone that reads this to take a moment, take a breath, and see why someone would be in support of targetting and harming trans people. Much like antisemitism, transphobia tends to be a canary in the coal mine and, often, people espousing these views harbour plenty more bigotries besides
and if you're confused, remember that someone's actions reveal far more than just their words.
Trans folks, especially trans women, are often severely punished for speaking out against bigotry sent their way. If you'd like to help make this world (whether it's your friend group, fedi instance, or even larger spaces) a slightly better place, you can use whatever voice you have to call bigoted actions into question and hold people accountable for their bigoted words and actions
#SocialJustice #Abuse #Bigotry #Transphobia