Something to remember today. CA, a big blue state where Harris got at least 3 million more votes than Trump, also defeated a proposition that would have banned mandatory prison labor (slave labor). Thanks blue voters. While the fires continue...and they work for pennies to save property. "Most of their lunches consist of a simple sandwich—two pieces of white bread with a few slices of bologna—plus an apple. Their daily food budget of approximately $4 per day is hardly enough to sustain them for their high volume of manual labor. Incarcerated firefighters have some of the highest injury rates among all prison workers and are four times more likely to sustain injuries compared to other firefighters. Also, they work some of the longest hours and have some of the hardest tasks to execute. They don’t shoot water hoses; they use powered chainsaws and manual hand tools, such as axes, with the goal of starving the fire of fuel to continue to burn.
--Tommy Seiler