Enslaved government captives are firefighting for $10 per *day*. And being made to work *24-hour shifts*. The ban on enslavement of CA prisoners on November's ballot failed spectactlularly. Californians chose this.
"Along with crews from other states and Mexico, hundreds of inmates from California’s prison system were also helping firefighting efforts. Nearly 950 incarcerated firefighters were dispatched “to cut fire lines and remove fuel to slow fire spread,” according to an update from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Though the state has long relied on prison labor to fight fires, the practice is controversial as the inmates are paid little for dangerous and difficult work. Inmates are paid up to roughly $10.24 each day, with additional money for 24-hour shifts, according to the corrections department."
#Prison #Slavery #LAfires #PalisadesFire #EatonFire #Police #HumanRights #Racism #Abolition