What's most fascinating to me about the discourse around the #NABJ Trump interview is how many people think Scott's opening question was "hostile". It really reflects the reality of so many #BIPOC folks-- where literally just saying that someone has done something racist (especially in the workplace), even just repeating back their own racist words/ actions, (no matter *what* tone you use) gets you labeled "hostile" or "aggressive" or "angry". Saying the question was "hostile" speaks volumes.
@kimberlyadams I thought her question was perfect. I just wish in the follow-up she didn't answer his request for her to define DEI with "You wrote it. What does DEI mean to you?"
@LinuxAndYarn @kimberlyadams That’s what I hoped would be the follow-up to a couple of his questions. “You’re the guy that wants to be President. We want to know what YOU think it means!”