#Croatia is a small country, not even 4 million residents. Today minister of health has been arrested because of #corruption. It's just one in a long streak of #right-wing ministars that went down in the last 15 years for corruption. The corruption was off course discovered by EU investigators, not the Croatian ones. Croatian legislative system has different definitions of crime when it comes to the right-wing #politicians in Croatia. By default no right-wing (#HDZ) politicion or his family members can be guilty of anything, not even murder. Only when EU investigators gather substantial evidence and arrest the bastards then it might be true.
We are talking about the right-wing party who's prime minister Ivo Sanader was convicted for criminal and corruption during his mandate.
I'm not sure how EU is still standing given the fact that they accepted Croatia to their table.
Croatian government = legalized corruption for the "chosen ones".
It's constant affair one after another of HDZ members. From bribery to #murder, physical assault, drunk driving that results with murder, money #embezzlement, real estate embezzlement .... the list would be too long. And guess what? If #EU is not prosecuting no one answers for their #crimes.
That is Croatia one on one.