We won't tell you how much anything is in our for profit system. You will have NO idea how much any procedure or surgery will be. We'll offer you tylenol in the hospital but won't tell you it's $15. Because of the Sacklers people can't get real pain medication anymore. Of course you have to do a course of physical therapy with a slipped disc. That will fix it. You can only talk about 2 things when you get an appt with your GP, who is NOT a doctor. Make another appt.
25% of hospitals and healthcare networks are #Catholic run. Many people don't have a choice if they want to stay in network.
We pay more than any other country to get shitty healthcare, be in more pain, be disabled earlier, die younger, and have our rights taken.
#DeathPanels #AIDeathPanels
#CEOs automate your denials, suffering, disability, and death.
It's all a con.
We want #UniversalHealthcare like civilized countries.