@benroyce @RoguePlayer @RegGuy
Less than a quarter of Americans voted for him (77M of 335M)
@DavidM_yeg It appears that about 62-63% of the eligible voters voted, thus making his percentage about 31% of voters.
Shame on the 1/3+ who did not vote. @benroyce @RoguePlayer
@RoguePlayer @RegGuy @benroyce
Less than a quarter of Americans: I meant exactly what I said… ‘eligibility’ is another game they play to manipulate the system.
@DavidM_yeg You've got to be of legal age to vote. About 80 million of those 335 million are not eligible to vote, period. @RoguePlayer @benroyce
@DavidM_yeg @RoguePlayer @RegGuy
Joe's just saying you can't use the total American population. You have to be 18 or older to vote
@DavidM_yeg Can they vote? No. Therefore they are not eligible voters. Counting them as if they didn't vote is incongruous to figuring out what percentage voted. @RoguePlayer @benroyce
@RoguePlayer @benroyce @RegGuy
I understand, but it actually underscores my point: there are more children in the USA than people who voted for Trump.
And dismissing people who ‘don’t count’ *is* how they ‘play the game’ … children have more stake in every election than anyone else, they will need to live with the ultimate results longest.
@DavidM_yeg I didn't say "don't count" I said percentage of eligible voters. @RoguePlayer @benroyce