@broadwaybabyto I feel this. 😔 One thing that really astonishes me is the total abandonment by society. And when you need them the most. People don’t want to be reminded of pain, suffering, illness, or “weakness”, so don’t want to be around you. I recently spent 5 years on 24/7 IV nutrition through a central line & it was a lesson in the state of humanity, for sure.
@DEDGirl I can only imagine. People are very strange about suffering that goes on for a long time and doesn’t “end”. It’s terribly sad. Did you eventually get off the TPN?
@broadwaybabyto yes, but not because I didn’t need it. I got sepsis annually. I’m a single mom. It’s really scary. But I don’t absorb nutrients or hydration, so I’m malnourished & dehydrated without it. Which is also scary. But that’s an invisible illness, which comes with a whole lot of weirdness & ablism. Society is very weird about illness, no matter how it presents. AND when your illness causes you to eat everything you want & lose weight, it’s not taken seriously.