On my way down here, from #michigan I had a funny little thought. I’ve been wrapped around the axle over this entire #estate because the departed, my mother, lied and manipulated the entire family like some malevolent raging switchboard operator. Taking details and warping them and using the lies to set each of us against each other. A few hours of talking and we’ve uncovered a huge trove of lies and distortions that mom tried to keep going as hard as she could. Until she died. (1/3)
And the truth came out. Homophobic step-cousins turned out to be a homophobic stepfather. Heh. That sort of thing. Little slights from my brother became reported atrocities against my mother and magnified needlessly. Like how endless backseat driving met with anger and instead of stopping the awful behavior, changed it so that it wasn’t backseat driving, it was simply verbal abuse. Heh.
“And now, for the rest of the story.” (2/3)