Ah, yes- I've seen you post about about this setup before. Amazing how much heat a window can provide on the right day.
@Badgardener The shed windows do harness a lot of heat. I use the shed for growing plants on but they all need extra protection from the mice.
You can only do so much! And bearing in mind that mice can get through holes as small as the diameter of a bic biro (apparently), you'd have your work cut out for you in a shed.
@Badgardener I was thinking along the lines of making a wire mesh cage I can put over the seedling trays as the plants soak up the sun from the shed window.
I didn’t know mice can squeeze that small.
I think it's a bit of an urban myth TBH, but they can definitely get through a half-inch hole.
@Broadfork @Badgardener So, an old neighbour used to get my dog’s brushings to stuff into stockings as a mouse deterent in their allotment shed. They swore it was very effective! Maybe worth a try if it is an ongoing bother?
I can see how it would work. I guess it would probably need regular topping up, but if anybody had a dog like ours, they'd have a pretty regular supply.
@Badgardener yeah, our dogs are prolific shedders. When the neighbour first asked me if I would mind saving some up for her, I was like… no need, just give me 30 minutes notice 🤣
We have drifts in the corners of rooms. If you leave them there, they seem to attract the rest of the hair and it keeps it all in one place.