@ApostateEnglishman @bearsong interesting! Where did you find the seed potatoes? Online or…?
@AllysonShaw @ApostateEnglishman
there are lots of online seed potato growers
many are based in Scotland, i believe
we get our seed potatoes from the trading shed on our allotment site, who do a bulk order in January
if you get epic armies of slugs in your garden (which we do) then Kestrel is an interesting variety to grow, reliable, able to cope with lots of soils, including our heavy clay, tasty, but most usefully, the slugs in these parts don't seem to burrow into them at all
@bearsong @AllysonShaw We also had a lot of clay in our soil, which was hilarious when we got our first crop of parsnips because they all came out looking like the facehuggers from Alien(s)! Still tasty though.
After that we spent quite a bit on turning all the soil in quality compost.
@ApostateEnglishman @bearsong all hail the wonky veg! You can just say they are mandrakes, right?
@AllysonShaw @bearsong Hehehe, yes I suppose so!