@PhoenixSerenity Right, but you gotta SAY that somewhere, or us dumb Americans are gonna think "I saw people from France and Canada and the UK who all have universal healthcare and they say it sucks and it'll kill you."
@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes I have posted several times in past about how our system needs improvements to prevent more avoidable deaths, disabilities & more illnesses from lack of full universal health care but it's still better than US system where insurance companies run the system. It's harder trying to get local citizens here to join fights against more privatization of our health care services than trying to convince US folks that a universal health care system is better than what they've got now. Most US folks I'm connected with have been fighting for universal health care for a long time.
@PhoenixSerenity But... not in the thread where I advocate for Americans to push for universal healthcare right? Like yes, you've posted it many times, I believe you, I think I've even seen it... but not in the thread I posted about a US athlete advocating for universal healthcare, correct?
@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes Correct. Except in these replies.
@PhoenixSerenity Right. And I certainly hope Americans on the fence about it read them. That's really all I was getting at.
Because again, if you don't know better a lot of the complaints in this thread from people from Canada, and the UK, and France, sure do sound like "universal healthcare sucks" to folks who've never had even something that looks like it. Which you know, isn't a very good message for the Americans my post targeted - a post about a U.S. athlete getting healthcare for the first time and deciding to advocate for universal healthcare at home.
And of course, as I mentioned, I'm talking to YOU about it, instead of any of them because I feel like we know each other a little bit, and I don't really know the French people doing the same.
@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes I hope a lot more Americans will fight hard to obtain a start to universal health care system because their privatized health insurance system is killing too many people & making folks who are already sick, sicker. The government can 100% afford to fund it. Access to health care is an international human right that deserves to be fought for & protected, always.