Done it !
#appleNewton to modern laptop's #libreOffice via Windows 3.1 and #virtualBox
Just had the chance to change prod on Friday, and instead created an issue due Monday
“In everyone’s pocket right now is a computer far more powerful than the one we flew on Voyager. I don’t mean your cell phone — I mean the key fob that unlocks your car.”
— Rich Terrile, JPL scientist and member of the Voyager imaging team
Are you a young lawyer and want to gain experience in #GDPR litigation and enforcement?!
We have a last minute opportunity to join noyb as a Legal Trainee this May!
You can find all the information you need here:
I'm very happy to remove the code from Lobsters for geoblocking the UK, and my thanks to everyone who contributed to making sense of it. I wrote up everything we learned about it and why the risk seems low enough now, hopefully it's useful to other communities:
@cyberleagle @revk @neil id bet money it’s in the single digits percentage wise. Nobody I’ve spoken to about this knew about it before hand and the majority didn’t care once I explained
I am willing to accept that I am odd, but I spend very little of my time engaging with large sites and services.
Not zero, for sure, but very little.
I read people's blogs and websites and books.
I like to buy novelty geeky t-shirts from small, independent creators.
I meet, chat, and joke about in the fediverse. I'm not on any other social media.
Email are emitted and received from a small email server I run.
And so on.
Again, perhaps I am unusual, but the Small Web is my web.
Love this article on creating good conditions for software engineers to do their best work instead of worshipping 10x engineers. After a few jobs, you start to notice that the same person can be wildly productive in one job, 1/10 as productive in the next job, and bounce back in the following job... I've also noticed that "10x engineers" tend to be surrounded by "unproductive" engineers who are being sabotaged, plagiarized, or forced to clean up by the "10x engineer"
Is anyone following this breach involving the j-actions/changed-files GitHub Action? Seems pretty major, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on, who's affected, and what people (and how many) are affected. If you can help me get up to speed please DM me on Signal -- DanArs.82, or on Mastodon
Okay okay okay I am *excited*
Thanks to the kindness of @mhoye , I have now acquired an Artifact. And I am going to get up to some utter nonsense with it
An old photo I ran across
#Newton #Apple #AppleNewton #MessagePad #NewtonOS #PDA #ARM #TimCook #handheld #mobile #touchscreen #photo #HWR #OCR #iPhone #predecessor #sorta
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
#encryption #apple #e2ee #privacy #security #cybersecurity #tech #ukpolitics #ukpol
My hot take on Mastodon is that, yes, it doesn’t have the user base of Threads or the “juice” of Bluesky, etc.
But as a journalist, I have no plans to ever completely abandon this platform, because, if nothing else, the *overall structure* is de facto more durable than anything else out there. That durability is proven, and in an unsettled world, could prove vital to getting out information should other platforms fail/get taken down, etc.
Also, folks are mostly pretty nice here.
@neil Here's a story free to be retold regarding "effective age verification technology":
Setting up an account for my middle kid, age 9, on his new gaming toy I entered whatever suitable birth date would make him 18. The service immediately locked the account, claiming irregularities (idk what/how). When I logged in to dispute the service gave him the choice to upload a profile photo as verification.
Realizing he wouldn't pass for 18, and neither myself (50), I went and asked his elder brother. Who's 12.
That worked perfectly. So, I can now from personal experience state that the age verification technology used by one of the biggest companies in the world will allow a 12yo to pass for 18.
Lead dev @extravision for ,
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